Friday, May 29, 2009

One last Interp

I am going to miss Speech and Debate.

I regret only competing in 3 tournaments this year. I know I moved up a rank with my NFL points, b
ut damn, I should have tried harder. I owe Nancy so much. She will forever be my mentor. She is the only one who saw a hint of talent in me, and made me persevere. It makes me so angry when her daughter disrespects her, because she does so much for everyone, I don't know how she got stuck with such a rude child.

I know my team is made up of some of the most disliked people in our class, but when we all come together, I feel this bond between them. It's unexplainable. No one knows how much frikken work and energy you have to put towards this team, and yes it turns people into arrogant, cocky, Republicans it seems like, but it wouldn't be the same without them.

This is the one true extracurricular that has forever shaped my thinking.

I'm going to miss wearing my suit, being so nervous before each speech, hearing Nancy's encouraging words, weeekend long tournaments, and all the people I met.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

wow this entry is so very accurate.
nancy is nice. :)
like yoouuu <3