Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a slice of Apple Pie

When Farruk (6th grade Indian kid I tutor) walked in with a handmade apple pie, it changed my whole perspective. I stopped and thought this is probably what a teacher feels like during Christmas time when they receive gifts from students they don't feel like they have made an impact on. He hates reading yet I make him. He teases me constantly and frustrates me. He definitely finds my cats more interesting than he does the book. And on top of all that he always shows up 5 minutes late and whenever he gets the chance he glances at the clock to see when it's 6:30 and he can play Wii. YET, when he told me he made this pie at his after school program and smiled at me, all of a sudden I realized I may be impacting his life, and hoped for more days like these.

1 comment:

kimlypv said...

shooot, that is soo friggn cute!!